
Hi Girls! I'm Lisa, and I I love Jesus with all my heart! He has guided my life for more than 41 years. I have been happily (mostly ;) married to Don Nolte for 38 years. Donny and I have five children together, five children in-love and sixteen grandchildren. (I have many adopted "daughters", as well!) I home schooled our children for 21 years, and was a preschool teacher for 6 years. I have been teaching women and writing for approximately 25 years. I am originally from San Bruno, CA and have lived in Montana for 31 years. My hobbies are journaling, walking, reading, writing, kayaking, jet skiing and hiking!

I am passionate about mentoring young women. I love to study the word of God and do word studies on a daily basis. I have a great love for all children, and also teach children's church regularly.

This blog is for you. This a safe place to come when you feel you need the advice of an older woman. I hope that as you read my blog, you feel as if you are reading a personal letter written just to you! Or imagine it's just you and me sitting at a coffee shop, sharing our lives across the table. Lean in, I want to share my heart and life with you! I want to tell you how faithful my God has been to me, and about how He will help you, too! I know that you have a lot of voices swirling around you in this world. I want to help to cut out the confusion and offer you true womanhood from a biblical perspective. I would be honored if you would allow me to speak into your life. I don't have all the answers for you, but I know who does, and I will always point you to Him!

- Lisa